Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Grade 3 Tree Houses!

Grade 1 studied artist Claude Monet, French Impressionist (1840 - 1926), then painted a study of his work, Poplars (1891). They mixed primary oil pastel colors to make the orange and green and were encouraged to try coloring using texture marks on the leaves and tree trunks. They watercolored the sky and river.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Community ART Mural : Art classes K-5 started off their year in art by making a piece of a school wide mural. Each student got one square paper with a quarter circle drawn through one corner. They were decorate and design it as they wished, with a focus on making the circle part stand out from its background. 

To get started, they watched a slideshow with many samples of murals and discussed murals that we see in downtown Belfast. I borrowed this idea from Hilltop Elementary School in Ohio:  http://www.readingschools.org/2/News/2634#sthash.2K0ftBtV.dpbs

Thursday, May 31, 2018

New paintings from K-1! We started by drawing animals from looking at magazine photos, then added patterns with markers, did a double tracing in oil pastel and finally painted the background with a solid color. This lesson originally came from here:  https://artlessonsforkids.me/2011/02/13/textured-animals-in-grade-one/ 

These lovelies are from Mrs. Brita's class:

Friday, May 25, 2018

Mixing colors in K-1

Grade 2 Creative pictures based on the work of artist Marc Chagall: Dreams and Memories

Self Portraits from Grade 2:

Grade 5 Cakes in 3-D:

Student work created for our Square 1 art school fundraiser: